
Powered projects by a multidisciplinary team

IDEPA Funding for technology business transformation

Creation and start-up of EBT (Phase I): 

Title: “Prediction of aging-related changes by integrative precision multiomics based on application of bioinformatics and maching learning algoritms to data-driven monitoring of molecular phenotypes under block-chain framework”.

Within the scope of the Health Pole of the RIS3 strategy , we developed an expert system for decision-making within the framework of personalized precision medicine (MPP) through products derived from the use of a modular digital platform for interconsultation for healthcare professionals. Health that facilitates the analysis, integration, visualization and management of massive “multi-omics” biodata (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and metagenomics), interoperable with clinical history management systems. This modular digital platform incorporates algorithms for bioinformatic analysis, artificial intelligence and blockchain, in three digital work modules: Communication Module “SiVCom” (already operational), Analysis and Integration Module “myOMICS”, and Results Display Module, both included in the project. This integration of omics technologies allows from the beginning of a consultation (SIVCom module) the annotation, integration analysis and interpretation and visualization of massive biodata of each patient in a more personalized and precise way through intelligent digital solutions that generate relational maps between the different levels of molecular interaction “exposome-genome-proteome-metabolome” with greater precision and diagnostic and therapeutic prediction, with time efficiency, security and privacy anywhere in the world.

In execution
Deadline for execution
75.000 €
Type of project
Regional call: Technology business transformation

myOmics S.L.
Beneficiary Members


Activity subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias.

ELDER, The challenge of getting older

Asturias has the necessary potential to lead an active aging action that allows creating the basis for developing action strategies, aimed at the particular characteristics of the population and preventive models that support preventive medicine and XXI Century Health.

ELDER, The challenge of aging: Proactive, responsible and preventive responses to the aging of the population in the Principality of Asturias, is based on a pilot project that will show the feasibility of the global characterization of aging in Asturias and the development of a predictor index of frailty with the active participation of the elderly themselves throughout the project. In addition, the internationalization of these processes will be analyzed, contrasting analogies or divergences with other European communities in terms of population characteristics and, therefore, in terms of predictive variables.

The set of information obtained, plus that gathered from previous studies, will allow creating a basis for the development of a LabAging aimed at studying the problems related to aging in Asturias and developing action strategies and preventive models.

At the technological level, ELDER will serve as a demonstrator of how the analysis of information through Artificial Intelligence techniques allows the development of diagnostic kits, predictor variables and ad hoc strategies as a basis for a later phase in which the global characterization will allow the efficient promotion of preventive medicine and the technological development of geriatrics and gerontology in Asturias in the 21st century.

In execution
Deadline for execution
Type of project
Regional call: Scientific missions of the Principality of Asturias. Longevity and active aging mission
myOmics S.L.
Beneficiary Members

Activity subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias.


COMENSAL Consortium Scientific Missions Food Sustainability: for a healthy, sustainable and fair food environment for Asturias

The objective of this Scientific Mission is to activate relations between the agents of the Asturian agri-food system to collectively face the challenge of food sustainability. The COMENSAL Consortium, using this term to refer to shared food, will generate links between the agents of the agri-food system in the region in a double dimension: on the one hand, offering signs of raising awareness among all the agents through the demonstration of good practices food sustainability in their usual activities; and on the other hand, getting collectively involved in the elaboration of sustainable food guides for the productive sector, industry, distribution, restaurants and homes.
To achieve this objective, there is a multidisciplinary scientific team that will address the diagnosis of food sustainability from different points of view: from agricultural and environmental technologies, from the social and cultural perspective, from the field of health; from a legal and economic perspective. Good sustainable practices will be shown by agents from the agri-food sector with the participation of significant companies from the Asturias agri-food chain.

In execution
Deadline for execution
September 22 – October 23
Type of project
Regional call: Scientific missions of the Principality of Asturias. Longevity and active aging mission
myOmics S.L.
Beneficiary Members

Activity subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias.