Digital technological innovation in personalized precision medicine
Through artificial intelligence and blockchain for the integration of multi-omic data in the clinical history of patients as a boost to clinical health care. General objective: To provide technological support for the implementation of personalized precision medicine MPP from the omics board. The main focus of myOmics is to develop digital 4.0 technologies and tools […]
COMENSAL Consortium Scientific Missions Food Sustainability: for a healthy, sustainable and fair food environment for Asturias
The objective of this Scientific Mission is to activate relations between the agents of the Asturian agri-food system to collectively face the challenge of food sustainability. The COMENSAL Consortium, using this term to refer to shared food, will generate links between the agents of the agri-food system in the region in a double dimension: on […]
ELDER, The challenge of getting older
Asturias has the necessary potential to lead an active aging action that allows creating the basis for developing action strategies, aimed at the particular characteristics of the population and preventive models that support preventive medicine and XXI Century Health. ELDER, The challenge of aging: Proactive, responsible and preventive responses to the aging of the population […]
IDEPA Funding for technology business transformation
Creation and start-up of EBT (Phase I): Title: “Prediction of aging-related changes by integrative precision multiomics based on application of bioinformatics and maching learning algoritms to data-driven monitoring of molecular phenotypes under block-chain framework”. Within the scope of the Health Pole of the RIS3 strategy , we developed an expert system for decision-making within the framework […]